How to get rid of tooth decay

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most widespread health problems affecting a large number of people across various age groups. This issue arises from the breakdown of the hard tissues of the teeth due to bacterial infection. The problem doesn’t stop at just tissue breakdown; it can escalate, leading to complete tooth damage. Contributing factors include the long-term accumulation of food residues between teeth and a lack of regular, proper dental hygiene. Consequently, patients visit dentists to treat and eliminate decay medically. In this article, we will explore some home remedies and medical treatments that help in combating tooth decay.

Home Remedies for Tooth Decay

There are many recipes that can be prepared at home to help eliminate tooth decay, including the following:

  • Clove: Clove significantly helps reduce tooth decay due to its antibacterial properties and its effectiveness in soothing pain caused by decay. To use it:
    1. Mix two drops of clove oil with a quarter teaspoon of sesame oil.
    2. Soak a piece of cotton in the mixture and place it on the decayed tooth.
    3. Repeat this step daily before sleep, but be cautious not to overuse clove oil, as its effect is temporary.
  • Salt: Salt is a disinfectant that helps eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation. To use it:
    1. Mix a teaspoon of table salt with a cup of lukewarm water.
    2. Swish a small amount of the solution in your mouth without swallowing, holding it in your mouth for one minute.
    3. Repeat this remedy three times a day for quick results against decay.
  • Garlic: Garlic contains antibacterial properties, improves gum health, and alleviates decay-related pain. To use it:
    1. Crush four cloves of garlic with a quarter teaspoon of rock salt.
    2. Apply the crushed garlic to the decayed tooth and leave it for ten minutes.
    3. Rinse your mouth with a medicinal mouthwash.
    4. Repeat this remedy twice a day for several weeks until decay is eliminated.
  • Licorice: Licorice helps maintain dental health, prevents the growth of bacteria that erode teeth, and removes tartar. To use it:
    1. Put some licorice powder on your toothbrush evenly.
    2. Brush your teeth, focusing on the decayed tooth.
    3. Rinse your mouth with a medicinal mouthwash.
    4. Repeat this remedy daily.

Medical Treatment for Tooth Decay

Medical treatment is the most effective and guaranteed way to eliminate tooth decay, typically involving:

  • Fluoride Treatment: Dentists use fluoride in the early stages of decay to help restore the eroded tooth material by coating the tooth with fluoride gel or foam for just three minutes.
  • Fillings: If decay has eroded a significant part of the tooth or has become deep, the dentist will use fillings after removing the decayed areas through drilling and filling the cavities. This treatment usually requires at least two dental visits.
  • Tooth Extraction: Extraction is the final solution when there’s no hope of saving the tooth or eliminating decay effectively.

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